
Here are some of the projects I’ve developed over the years.

Multi-platform NES emulator

Open-source Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) emulator built with Rust. It can be compiled both to native targets and to the web using WebAssembly.

You can find the web version here and the source code on GitHub.

The only preloaded game is called Falling by Jesse Williams (@xram64 on GitHub).

Assistive Technology for Colorblind People

Developed by myself, Luca Dillenburg, and Fábio Faúndes, Daltonik is a set of tools targeting Android smartphones utilizing image processing and computer vision to help colorblind people on color-focused activities.

It consists of three tools: substitution of colors to patterns, color filtering, and color identification.

We won first place at Sedcitec Jr 2019 and also presented the project at Mostratec 2019 and Bragantec 2019.

The project’s code is unfortunately not yet open-source, but you can find a description of each tool below.

Color substitution

The problem

Being able to understand information displayed on maps, charts, and other color-coded medias is a critical skill ranging many aspects of life, such as work, college, or even just getting around town. Unfortunately, it is common for such media to not be accessible to colorblind people, making this task very difficult for them.

Our solution

The algorithm we developed groups pixels by color and turns each group into a different geometric pattern, so that a given image can convey information without depending solely on color.

You can find a demo of the tool in this section.

Color filtering

The problem

Sometimes it is be necessary for a person to identify the difference between colors and the shapes they take. The famous Ishihara test presents circular images with different-colored dots that, together, form some kind of number or other shape which colorblind people may not be able to determine. This test can be used to classify different types of color blindness, and they look a bit “mysterious” to people with this type of vision deficiency, since they can’t see what is expected of them.

Our solution

We developed a tool that categorizes different but similar colors (to colorblind people) and filters them so they can be easily distinguished. The example image shows an application as a way to help someone understand the expected result of an Ishihara test.

Color identification

The problem

There are countless reasons why a colorblind person would want to know the color of an object. They may want to know if a banana is ripe, or the color of a shirt to try and match clothes. In these situations, there’s little to do but to ask for help from another person.

Our solution

This tool displays the names of the colors inside the square at the center of the screen, and can be configured by the user for their specific needs.

…and more

Check out some of my open-source projects on my GitHub page.